Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Update..... Really long!

Lately has been a whorl wind (sp). I have mostly been working. Patty has been really stupid and since things are changing at work, she is taking it out all on me and she won't confront other people. I will get over time for the stuff she leaves me and i get written up for it. Its not my fault that i can't get the stuff done and she doesn't have enough hands back there. So last week my grandma fell (will get into that later in the blog) and i went in Wednesday before work to talk to her about me going down to help as a family emergency. I told her i didn't know when i was leaving or when i was coming back. So she said to let her know. So i talk to the store manager before he left and i told him i could be gone a couple days or i could be gone a week or so. He said to let him know. So i got home Wednesday night and found out that i was heading down to take care of my grandma the next day. So i packed and got ready to go. So bright and early Thursday morning we (my mom and i) loaded up and got on the road. So i called my boss to let her know i was leaving and didn't know when i would be back. She tells me, "well i guess you are done with albertson's." I was like, "No that's not what i just said. I have a family emergency that i need to take care of. And there is no time limit." Then she continues on to say, "well since you aren't gonna be here for the holiday next week you are basically leaving." I was like, "No i talked to Kent (store manager) and he said to let him know whats going on." So we hang up and she goes to talk to him and they call me back. She tells me that i told Kent that i told Patty that i was gonna be gone two days. (BTW, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW LONG I AM GONNA BE GONE? I CANT GIVE YOU TIME.) I tell her no i said to him i could be gone a couple days or i could be gone a week. So Kent gets on the phone and tells me that i told him that i would be gone 2 days. I corrected him and he didn't want to listen. So i was like what ever. So he said to work it out with patty. So long story short. I had to be back by Sunday to work this week. Which we ended up getting down there and ended up finding out that she isn't getting out for another week or so. So i came home and i worked all day Friday.

So Patty had talked to one of the girls (Michelle) about working my Saturday shift. Which i was fine with. So Friday night, Michelle comes into get her schedule for this week. I said hey whats up and that's it. and gave her the schedule. So i took the french bread out and i went back and she had written a note saying that she couldn't work Saturday cause she had to be somewhere in Salt Lake City at 5:30 pm. So I saw it but i didn't act on it. I get a call the next morning from patty saying that Michelle had said she couldn't work and that I needed to work my shift. So come to find out Michelle told Patty that she had talked to me about it and told me i had to work my shift. Which is b.s. cause she never said anything about me having to work on Saturday. Well i played dumb and acted like i left my phone at home Friday night and went to Clinton to baby sit for a couple i baby sit for every once in a while. So i played hockey and hung out with people in my singles ward most of the day Saturday. The new girl Terry had to work all day long and she basically got no help. So Michelle had until Monday by 2 pm to come into the store and talk to Kent. Well she never did and she got fired. So we are down to 6 people. One person only works on Saturday and is only a cake lady . and one only works like 2 days a week and also is only a cake lady.

So Monday while i was at work i got a phone call from Wal Mart asking if i was till looking for a position. So i called the lady back and got set up for an interview today. So i went in today and had 2 interviews and basically got hired. So i am thinking that i am gonna finish off the week at albertson's (maybe) then start at Wal mart next week. I should know by tomorrow night if i got the job or not. Darn drug and back ground checks... hehehe! But i will be working 7-4 every day i guess. Which will be nice. I can still go to stuff at night and i wont have to go home and shower after i have worked all day. I am gonna get 8.40 an hour. Which is 42 cents more then i am getting now. Which is not bad. They (Albertson's) asked for a food handlers permit and i haven't got it. So i have till tomorrow before i work to get it. Which i am not. Its pointless to get it when i am leaving. So tomorrow might be my last day at Albertsons'. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i am so happy about that. That means i don't have to work 3 9's in a row and Patty is screwed. Cause she is gonna have to mess up someone schedule or something cause i am not there any more. Darn! She cant use and abuse me any more. What a shame.

I have been trying to get back into hanging out with people. Which is not solving anything. I am just making myself miserable then i am already. I have decided after tonight that i am gonna back off again and just work and not go to anything as usual. I Have been liking a couple guys. Thought they would be good guys and maybe a chance to date. When after hanging out one time they don't think i am their type when we had no interaction really. So i am just frustrated about somethings with boys. They don't seem to understand my frustration that how can you know. I have tried to ask boys on dates and tried to hang out with people. But all it seems to be is that it goes no where. I think i just need to move away from this place. I had good times. But i am just not happy anymore being here. I wanted to come home tonight and just cry. I wasn't feeling good. And boys were being stupid as usual. I just had no one to talk to and everyone that i did was ignoring me or i just didn't want to bother them. I mean i have had a good time with some of the people that i have hung out with. But Its just not the same. I like this guy Brett. He seems to like me. We want to get to know one another. But it doesn't seem like he is trying to make an effort. He does talk to me a little and says hi and waves. Like tonight i was out looking for someone and he saw me and he waved to me. But that was it. I would love to be just one on one with him but it doesn't seem to ever work. So i am like what ever. I have kinda stop trying to date now. I just need some time to work on somethings and get my life going in the right direction. I don't need a boyfriend right now.

I am excited. I am going to California in a couple weeks. I will be there July 22-30. Then i am gonna be in Vegas visiting my brother and sister in law and nephew and also my sister till the third of August. I am so excited to get away. I really need a vacation and just relax. I am stressed about to many things. And i cant wait to see everyone out in Cali. People have got married and some have had kids. So i am excited to see every one. :D I wish it was sooner then it is. 20 days! But i might have to change it now since i have a new job. They might not let me take 12 days off right after i start.But i will talk to them about that tomorrow. I miss everyone out there. I miss tressie and Kim tafua and having our girl talks on Sundays in nursery.

Well i am going to bed. I got to get up early and do laundry and go to work... ALL DAY LONG! 11 am-8pm. But lets see if i actually work. :D I cant wait to start Wal Mart. I will be so much happier not working at Albertson's and all the drama that goes on there any more. :)

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